Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Reena's Als website

Mary fund- guest book has relatives and friends comments.

My Eulogy for Reena ch at memorial service at United Methodist church Chicago.
Reena Mary Mathew is my Dad's sisters daughter(first cousin)
She was loved by all members of our family and friends. She was a loving and caring person, gentle, kind, affectionate, sensitive , homely, always had a smile and gifts for all.
She was concerned about her parents and brother, sister and their family.
Reena was a role model for all and left behind a legacy for all of us to follow.
She did not like to see any harm or injustice to anybody including animals and loved her pets. She did what ever she could to help them beyond her ability.

When young, Reena and Roy stayed in madras and after she came here. She always kept in touch with all of us. Sent pretty pictures in which she always looked like a model.
When she visited India she got thoughtful gifts for all there and returning she got gifts for all her friends , Co-workers.. Everyone who met her remembered her humility.

Reena was an early riser and read her Bible, mediated on the word of God and got ready for work. She worked long hours.
Her faith was unwavering from when she was young. Even when she was diagnosed with Als she had faith in God and said she would be OK. Always had high spirits.
Didn't want anyone' help or impose on anyone. She was aware of what was going on till the end.

Reena's passing away is really a great distress for all of us. All family and friends have sent their heartfelt condolences and Prayers for Reena.
When I spoke to Reena's parents Her DAD said
"Reena was a great blessing for all, had faith in God. Church going till the last moment. She had extreme concern for Parents , Animals and living things.Never Forgot Birthday , Mother's day. She sent this Sept a gift for mothers birthday."
MUM Said" Reena helped others, Kind to everyone,was a very Concerned and loving person.God bless Reena always.may God help her and be with her and may her soul rest in Peace."
Mum also Thanked Roy , Vinny for taking care of her.


REENA _ Our dearly beloved daughter, grand daughter, cousin and niece. You leave happy and fond memories with the "Verghese" family.
I remember the time i spent with you and you getting up at 4 am in the morning anxious to spend precious moments with your "saviour" before the world around you awakens.
Remember the TENDER LOVE with which you greeted "kitty" on return from work.
Your Generosity -Arriving on holiday with two huge suitcases full of gifts for all of us,unhappy that you could not bring more!!
Lastly I can never forget the memory of you lying close to your dear"Appacha"hugging and kissing him and saying-"You are so Sweet , I love you."
So Reena we happy that God gave us the Charming, Tender, Generous and Loving Person you were. We truly happy that you are free from all pain and suffering and that you are in the presence of our saviour and your dear "Appacha".
Love, Leelaaunty.

We as a Family will miss her a lot. Kids loved playing with her and spending time with her.
Our only consolation is that she is in heaven With the Lord .
May God Bless you.

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