Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
shar's -someone who inspires you
Written on (9/18/08) for Journal entry-gr. 7.
The person that inspires me is my great cousin . She has ALS(AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS) otherwise known as Lou Gehrigs. she was diagonised about 1-2 years back. During those years she lost about 20-30 pounds and now weighs about &0 pounds. The Doctor didn't know what was wrong until later and told her to exercise and a diet(like she needed that!).During those hard times she kept on fighting and still is , she has always been happy and positive. She pretended as there was nothing wrong with her and didn't complain. She read the Bible and had Hope. Now she has lost use of most muscles is on wheelchair, needs a diaper and lostvoice.Sometimes she even needs to have oxygen mask. But even through all those hardships she never did lose hope. I really hope she gets better. she was always nice to me. I really, really want her to lose her pain and be able to do things that everyone else does.
WoW! She has been through a lot- she sounds very inspirational.
15/15 grade points.
Reena ch was truly inspirational.hopefully we learn not to complain and pray and live happily.
The person that inspires me is my great cousin . She has ALS(AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS) otherwise known as Lou Gehrigs. she was diagonised about 1-2 years back. During those years she lost about 20-30 pounds and now weighs about &0 pounds. The Doctor didn't know what was wrong until later and told her to exercise and a diet(like she needed that!).During those hard times she kept on fighting and still is , she has always been happy and positive. She pretended as there was nothing wrong with her and didn't complain. She read the Bible and had Hope. Now she has lost use of most muscles is on wheelchair, needs a diaper and lostvoice.Sometimes she even needs to have oxygen mask. But even through all those hardships she never did lose hope. I really hope she gets better. she was always nice to me. I really, really want her to lose her pain and be able to do things that everyone else does.
WoW! She has been through a lot- she sounds very inspirational.
15/15 grade points.
Reena ch was truly inspirational.hopefully we learn not to complain and pray and live happily.
Reena's Als website
Mary fund- guest book has relatives and friends comments.
My Eulogy for Reena ch at memorial service at United Methodist church Chicago.
Reena Mary Mathew is my Dad's sisters daughter(first cousin)
She was loved by all members of our family and friends. She was a loving and caring person, gentle, kind, affectionate, sensitive , homely, always had a smile and gifts for all.
She was concerned about her parents and brother, sister and their family.
Reena was a role model for all and left behind a legacy for all of us to follow.
She did not like to see any harm or injustice to anybody including animals and loved her pets. She did what ever she could to help them beyond her ability.
When young, Reena and Roy stayed in madras and after she came here. She always kept in touch with all of us. Sent pretty pictures in which she always looked like a model.
When she visited India she got thoughtful gifts for all there and returning she got gifts for all her friends , Co-workers.. Everyone who met her remembered her humility.
Reena was an early riser and read her Bible, mediated on the word of God and got ready for work. She worked long hours.
Her faith was unwavering from when she was young. Even when she was diagnosed with Als she had faith in God and said she would be OK. Always had high spirits.
Didn't want anyone' help or impose on anyone. She was aware of what was going on till the end.
Reena's passing away is really a great distress for all of us. All family and friends have sent their heartfelt condolences and Prayers for Reena.
When I spoke to Reena's parents Her DAD said
"Reena was a great blessing for all, had faith in God. Church going till the last moment. She had extreme concern for Parents , Animals and living things.Never Forgot Birthday , Mother's day. She sent this Sept a gift for mothers birthday."
MUM Said" Reena helped others, Kind to everyone,was a very Concerned and loving person.God bless Reena always.may God help her and be with her and may her soul rest in Peace."
Mum also Thanked Roy , Vinny for taking care of her.
REENA _ Our dearly beloved daughter, grand daughter, cousin and niece. You leave happy and fond memories with the "Verghese" family.
I remember the time i spent with you and you getting up at 4 am in the morning anxious to spend precious moments with your "saviour" before the world around you awakens.
Remember the TENDER LOVE with which you greeted "kitty" on return from work.
Your Generosity -Arriving on holiday with two huge suitcases full of gifts for all of us,unhappy that you could not bring more!!
Lastly I can never forget the memory of you lying close to your dear"Appacha"hugging and kissing him and saying-"You are so Sweet , I love you."
So Reena we happy that God gave us the Charming, Tender, Generous and Loving Person you were. We truly happy that you are free from all pain and suffering and that you are in the presence of our saviour and your dear "Appacha".
Love, Leelaaunty.
We as a Family will miss her a lot. Kids loved playing with her and spending time with her.
Our only consolation is that she is in heaven With the Lord .
May God Bless you.
Mary fund- guest book has relatives and friends comments.
My Eulogy for Reena ch at memorial service at United Methodist church Chicago.
Reena Mary Mathew is my Dad's sisters daughter(first cousin)
She was loved by all members of our family and friends. She was a loving and caring person, gentle, kind, affectionate, sensitive , homely, always had a smile and gifts for all.
She was concerned about her parents and brother, sister and their family.
Reena was a role model for all and left behind a legacy for all of us to follow.
She did not like to see any harm or injustice to anybody including animals and loved her pets. She did what ever she could to help them beyond her ability.
When young, Reena and Roy stayed in madras and after she came here. She always kept in touch with all of us. Sent pretty pictures in which she always looked like a model.
When she visited India she got thoughtful gifts for all there and returning she got gifts for all her friends , Co-workers.. Everyone who met her remembered her humility.
Reena was an early riser and read her Bible, mediated on the word of God and got ready for work. She worked long hours.
Her faith was unwavering from when she was young. Even when she was diagnosed with Als she had faith in God and said she would be OK. Always had high spirits.
Didn't want anyone' help or impose on anyone. She was aware of what was going on till the end.
Reena's passing away is really a great distress for all of us. All family and friends have sent their heartfelt condolences and Prayers for Reena.
When I spoke to Reena's parents Her DAD said
"Reena was a great blessing for all, had faith in God. Church going till the last moment. She had extreme concern for Parents , Animals and living things.Never Forgot Birthday , Mother's day. She sent this Sept a gift for mothers birthday."
MUM Said" Reena helped others, Kind to everyone,was a very Concerned and loving person.God bless Reena always.may God help her and be with her and may her soul rest in Peace."
Mum also Thanked Roy , Vinny for taking care of her.
REENA _ Our dearly beloved daughter, grand daughter, cousin and niece. You leave happy and fond memories with the "Verghese" family.
I remember the time i spent with you and you getting up at 4 am in the morning anxious to spend precious moments with your "saviour" before the world around you awakens.
Remember the TENDER LOVE with which you greeted "kitty" on return from work.
Your Generosity -Arriving on holiday with two huge suitcases full of gifts for all of us,unhappy that you could not bring more!!
Lastly I can never forget the memory of you lying close to your dear"Appacha"hugging and kissing him and saying-"You are so Sweet , I love you."
So Reena we happy that God gave us the Charming, Tender, Generous and Loving Person you were. We truly happy that you are free from all pain and suffering and that you are in the presence of our saviour and your dear "Appacha".
Love, Leelaaunty.
We as a Family will miss her a lot. Kids loved playing with her and spending time with her.
Our only consolation is that she is in heaven With the Lord .
May God Bless you.
One draft of eulogy
We as family, would like to Thank everyone who helped us do the arrangements all of you who has known , her for months and years,helped her in many ways. Reena Mary Mathew touched a lot of lives. She had friends and family also willing to do anything for her.JIm,and Her friend ren,who helped looked after her cat, Maria are all part of God's helpers esp sent to help Reena was my feeling GOD BLESS U and your fly abundantly.Roy, and family, Roshini sarah and family ,thank u all for being there for Reena and helping her in her time of need. I know she loved all of you and was always concerned about your parents and your wellbeing. She had special respect and love and concern for my parents and other uncles and aunts too.Her love and affection for grand parents ,older grand uncles and aunts, family members ,she loved young ones too all our kids and other children ,sponsored for kids in need, had a smile, gentle nature,always had some gift for them ,played with them,entertained them.Mary was a sensitive,gentle,smiling,wonderful warm hearted,perfect host, kept home clean and cooked food ,loved animals and birds too. she always tried to do things on her own. did not like to impose. When she was becoming weak, knew she may need help. but did not want to trouble her parents, siblings or anyone else. She did not want to leave Chicago, was worried about troubling others. . she would have volunteered her services. Mary would have stayed alone. only i think we were more worried, about her health . Mum said " Reena was a concerned ,loving person,Always helping others,kind to everybody .ROy And family Thanking you for the Good care you took of her.God bless REENA alwaysMAY God help her and be with her and may her soul rest in peace." DAD said" Reena ,was a Great blessing for all.Had Faith in God.Church going till last moment,Concern about animals, living things,extreme concern for parents,Remembered birthdays, mothers day, sent gift for mum's b'day recently (sept)too." My parents wanted to come but since they are far said they were sad remember her in prayers. My in laws had the chance to visit Chicago , She told us all to stay at her place,my fil was saying he still treasures the gift he was given. Aunt came she came with her to visit us in detriot.and would check about her cat angel. Gigich" finds this a very emotional and sorrowful " Shereen aunty,dubai wrote ." I remember Aju used to talk very highly of Reena / she came to see me in Dec to condole for Sameer ,in '96 it was @ x'mas i think , beautiful child ,may she rest in Peace ._" many family members have sent their thoughts and feelings and condolences . Mary mathew after she left Chicago tried to keep in touch by email " seemed aware of what she was going through , was sad she could not attend Roshini sarah's wedding and roy could not go either. when an aunt passed away she said how sad . she went to heaven,-I am sure she is also in God's presence now. she had fun when cousins Anujee and suni visited her , she also told me she cried.In all her mails she enquired about all and sent love to all.GOD BLESS HER SOUL> MAY SHE REST IN PEACE> GOd give each and every one the strength during this time. Thank you all once again.
Thought would share our grief with you all, for some reason, i think when we were studying u all admired my cousin in Chicago's photos. Reena was just 5-yrs older to me. She was diagnosed with ALS a couple of years ago and was given 1 year of life. she lived 2!. Deteriorated fast ,lost voice then slowly everything else., was on feeding tubes, oxygen. now no more. she had good faith. was always kind and helpful, compassionate.. looks like such people reach God early. I know many of you have lost a dear one too. Could not sleep. Cousin's here we spoke with each other.looked at tickets to go, slept few hrs,up and about.All our parents back at India, all of us would like to be there.Keep us also in your thoughts and prayers. Just a remembrance now, the pain is everlasting.. may become less as years go but never leaves. God be with all our dear ones who left us.May they rest in peace. Just saw Rosh, Am chat message,Nov 1 spl . Well, these were my experience-yesterday was our oldest child's first communion, Bishop was there,morning we woke up and left to church 7 am,came home almost 3(That went off well).Guest came ,left-changed went to church at 5 for a baptism, came home 8. whole day was a very holy day- i mentioned it to few people and was really feeling at peace night 9 called our homes spoke to our parents,Bil is visiting, another wonderful feeling that God sent us someone,At10 my cousin from CA ,got a call from her mum back home . she called to say our cousin Reena who is here passed away. wanted to visit R while living. God knows what He is doing- is a feeling i Got. Reena was in church just few hrs before passing away, our aunt in Chicago they were also in church for convention they reached home to this message!Our whole fly was in church. and both after morning and evening program did not feel like leaving.
Memorial service
Dear all, Thought you all would like to hear about Reena ch's memorial service . since few of them asked me to mail after my return ..i added some other mail ids too. Maybe you all would like to read it. The service was well organized by Roshin, Roy, Thampich, Viju and their family and their friends. Rev. M.J. Thomas achen and 2 other achens were present. ( my memory bad with names) There were lot of flowers kept by family and friends.Roy and family, Roshini , Sean and his family, Gigich, Anujee, sunitha , we as family (uncle, all first cousins) we tried to represent all of you who could not be here. We had Thampich and aunty, viju ,Elijah, liju and her parents, Vinny, Merly and her family and Johnny ch and aunty to represent our extended family.As it was mentioned to me by family and Achen ,Mohan uncle and Aunty would have really liked this service. I agree. All friends of family and reena ch ,spoke so well of every one especially of Reena. The Hymns chosen and sung were Blessed assurance,How great Thou art, The lords prayer, Amazing grace,Angel and a special song by Pius, Annie and their son Alex "faith is a place." something Reena ch liked. The welcome , prayer ,pastor remarks,closing remarks Benidiction was all done by family friend and Achen,Rev. M.J. Thomas. Sunitha and Sean read the Bible reading PS.100 And Acts 20.32-35.Eulogies were done by Roshini, Viju,Jim, Annie, usha(me), matt, Maria(care giver),her husband Ramon and other friends one was Jessica(achens daughter) .Message and Eulogy by another achen who knew them. Everyone spoke about their experience with Reena how great her faith was , her kindness, loving , helping,giving nature and not accepting anything in return. her Love for animals and everyone around her. There was not many dry eyes in the church. It was hard . i cannot believe ,she is no more with us.. felt she was around us. I read what Mohan uncle(her dad), her mum and one of the aunts (leelaaunty) had to say about her. and others who mailed me and representing all the others who could not come- i said they all sent their condolences and prayers for reena. I am sure if you all could, you would have tried to be here physically, all your prayers were heard. Especially for her.We are all sure she is with God now. Video memories was done by Pius and Annie(friends-from when Reena came to Usa.)There were photos of her and all of us cousins, aunts, uncles, grand parents.A note of thanks was given by Roy, Joey spoke too(in his dad's ear-Roy told us in the mike-That was so sweet of Joey and i think as kids they know more than us. Joey said REENA AUNTY IS IN HEAVEN.)Rose ceremony was done when the soloist susan sang Amazing grace. family had got white roses for all and Roy and Joey handed one to 1 member of each family present there and they had 3 vases with water and Reena's Remains on a table. all of us went forward to pay our last respects.God bless you ch. The program started at 5 by the time we got out after dinner and speaking with all ,it was late.we returned the same night 12 from there and reached home around 4.20 sunday morning. Bijoy had to work.It was nice to meet all family. But felt so drained emotionally . For those interested, There was good Indian veg food and American kind, spaggatti lot of sweetdishes also Kunjumol aunty organised that with friends. THANK YOU ALL WHO HELPED GET EVERYTHING READY AND CLEANING . To all in India. Roy will come to India with Reena's remains and may be you can all try to make it there.Such a wonderful child of God is now with HIm. she prayed morning and evening read Bible she was sure of getting healed. she was always in high spirits.I think she had a joyful end. Thanks to Roy and family, Roshini,Sean, Maria and her husband..and all her wonderful friends. I got a fwd today morning thought would sent that along too.Take care. GOD BE WITH YOU ALL.with prayers Us and family.
Many children of God do not understand why God does not answer all our prayers. In one sense, God does answer all our prayers - for some prayers His answer is "Yes", for some it is "No" and for some others it is "Wait".
When answering prayer, the principle God follows is that, the answer to our prayer should make our end joyful and not sorrowful. "Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, THAT YOUR JOY MAY BE FULL" (Jn 16:24). Yes, God wants our joy, and not our sorrow, to be full. God knows that if some of the things we ask for are granted, we will be sad at the end of our life.One godly couple had three daughters. However, the father badly wanted a son. He fasted and prayed and cried to the Lord. The Lord very clearly revealed to him that it was not His will to give him a son, and that his daughters would be better than sons and would take care of him till the very end. But he still kept fasting and pleading with God for a son. Finally the Lord gave him a son and he became a prodigal - smoking, drinking, womanizing, etc. The father was heartbroken. He felt sorry for having insisted on having a son. As promised by the Lord, his daughters took care of him to the very end. But till death, the father was a sorrowful man because of his prodigal son. The son did not turn up even at the father's funeral.
Dear child of God, it is true that some of your sincere prayers have not been answered, but at the end you will know why God did not answer them. God wants you to have great eternal joy. So praise God for all your unanswered prayers.
Courtesy - Email Message--
Many children of God do not understand why God does not answer all our prayers. In one sense, God does answer all our prayers - for some prayers His answer is "Yes", for some it is "No" and for some others it is "Wait".
When answering prayer, the principle God follows is that, the answer to our prayer should make our end joyful and not sorrowful. "Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, THAT YOUR JOY MAY BE FULL" (Jn 16:24). Yes, God wants our joy, and not our sorrow, to be full. God knows that if some of the things we ask for are granted, we will be sad at the end of our life.One godly couple had three daughters. However, the father badly wanted a son. He fasted and prayed and cried to the Lord. The Lord very clearly revealed to him that it was not His will to give him a son, and that his daughters would be better than sons and would take care of him till the very end. But he still kept fasting and pleading with God for a son. Finally the Lord gave him a son and he became a prodigal - smoking, drinking, womanizing, etc. The father was heartbroken. He felt sorry for having insisted on having a son. As promised by the Lord, his daughters took care of him to the very end. But till death, the father was a sorrowful man because of his prodigal son. The son did not turn up even at the father's funeral.
Dear child of God, it is true that some of your sincere prayers have not been answered, but at the end you will know why God did not answer them. God wants you to have great eternal joy. So praise God for all your unanswered prayers.
Courtesy - Email Message--
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Just a few days back was thinking of my aunt who could sew well and good at cooking. Now hear she passed away.chinammakoch, if you ask most of us in the family, just gave up -after kunjuch passed away. Her eating became less. she had sort of started to stay in bed more. Had to be given blood transfusion as her hemoglobin went down.May their souls rest in peace.Nice couple.
There are so many things going around , one never knew ,when one was growing up - now hear new things like AlS, HSP,Alzheimer's,Parkinson's... cancer..
lost a grand uncle to Alzheimer's,and one G'uncle to Parkinson,a neighbour we came to know went down hill fast with Alzheimer's and passed away.
My cousin who is so pretty all her life slightly older than me who never got married and always watched diet, brushed teeth after meals, read Bible ,worked hard, was kind to all , loving,one day is having non stop cough, slowly voice is going they finally come with LOU Grieg disease(ALS). when she said -i had never heard of it., started reading about it. Her situation became bad ,her brother took her with him. She is going down hill,they told her 1 year, she outlived that to 2, now they say few more months. she can not eat, is on feeding tube,needs help for everything.
i still can remember the last time was with her. she wept like she will not see me again. been looking at tickets to go see her its $500 odd for just one person.today checked the price again.
Always think of her. May God give her all the strength and stay with her.
There are so many things going around , one never knew ,when one was growing up - now hear new things like AlS, HSP,Alzheimer's,Parkinson's... cancer..
lost a grand uncle to Alzheimer's,and one G'uncle to Parkinson,a neighbour we came to know went down hill fast with Alzheimer's and passed away.
My cousin who is so pretty all her life slightly older than me who never got married and always watched diet, brushed teeth after meals, read Bible ,worked hard, was kind to all , loving,one day is having non stop cough, slowly voice is going they finally come with LOU Grieg disease(ALS). when she said -i had never heard of it., started reading about it. Her situation became bad ,her brother took her with him. She is going down hill,they told her 1 year, she outlived that to 2, now they say few more months. she can not eat, is on feeding tube,needs help for everything.
i still can remember the last time was with her. she wept like she will not see me again. been looking at tickets to go see her its $500 odd for just one person.today checked the price again.
Always think of her. May God give her all the strength and stay with her.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
first solo dance &Autumn is here
Its misty, foggy in the morning and chill. Nice to walk with dew on the grass you also land with wet shoes/socks too.later it becomes warm. in 80deg f still nice and cool inside the home. Night if windows not open you land with fan and if u open the window u are chill.
Its beautiful to look at in the morning. In fact you can see the kids coming walking from the other side of the playground in fog/mist. you see fog rising from the playground up towards the top of trees.. Sher's new school is less strict about first bell. Old school first bell all are in. Here they are just walking slowly, bus comes only then and it looks like next bell they think of moving in. We are always walking as fast as we can to reach before the bell.As well as, i can come before B leaves, as it happens while i am in the corner he leaves.Coming back i admire the road's curve and trees,mist on the trees.the black squirrels,birds chirps.
Saturday, Sunday school Anniversary went off well. With all the 3 taking part.this Saturday it looks like J uncle may be able to come and pick the furniture up from old home.
Friday, September 19, 2008
prayer meeting
Last saturday, we had the dmys prayer meeting/Bible study at our home. Since friday, was Onam we had potluck Onam dishes.everyone made a dish of their choice. it turned out well.
the study was also interesting with everyone taking part and also us having 2 Achens input .
there was 20 adults and kids 12 . served hot dogs for kids.
few of them stayed back to help us with putting food away and cleaning.
next day had guests again.
dishes we had rice, sambar, dalspinach,beetroot fry,cabbage, gingercurry,papadam,pachadi(cucumber)...potluck dishes, home made B.chips,pachadi(tomato),dal,payasam,kachimore,carrot/beans fry,apple pickle -avial,chips store ones.
It was raining quite heavily, thanks to the hurricane effect of Huston .A good day to eat/watch Tv/sleep/read a book.
But had cleaning/cooking. Next day Hubby even had to help with washing dishes as Guest was coming.Thanks.
the study was also interesting with everyone taking part and also us having 2 Achens input .
there was 20 adults and kids 12 . served hot dogs for kids.
few of them stayed back to help us with putting food away and cleaning.
next day had guests again.
dishes we had rice, sambar, dalspinach,beetroot fry,cabbage, gingercurry,papadam,pachadi(cucumber)...potluck dishes, home made B.chips,pachadi(tomato),dal,payasam,kachimore,carrot/beans fry,apple pickle -avial,chips store ones.
It was raining quite heavily, thanks to the hurricane effect of Huston .A good day to eat/watch Tv/sleep/read a book.
But had cleaning/cooking. Next day Hubby even had to help with washing dishes as Guest was coming.Thanks.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Near death
The day started with waking up to bad dreams, dropped off sher to school coming back, B was off to work, felt bit uneasy.. prayed, after he left got my breakfast, woke N up and gave him breakfast did quick few calls, went to do lawn at old home, packing fried chicken for us. Dropped off sher's old school summer home work, finally.
As would have it the grass cutter after just a few runs conked on me.. thanks to wet long grass. stopped to take a break -see smoke coming for some reason,(was thinking may be God made it stop,) started checking oil(with prayer-that i do the right thing)the smoke was more there, gas had slight smoke.. looks like oil was very little,went looking for oil.. there were 2-4 bottles.. no idea which..(might have given time for it to cool) saw a neighbour was home,took the bottles to ask him, he told me which, came back, praying poured some was so scared it would boil up, seen it happen is car.
N was with me and close by told him to go far away.Then put gas more and tried cutting again only had to keep stopping every other second to lift the cutter up as all the wet grass was getting stuck,machine kept conking off.. it was very tiresome.took 10-15 breaks, except for the fact that i had to finish it by 2 and there was a house showing at 2.30 i would have called it quits.11-2 was there just doing backyard,went in and washed toilets quickly,saw cobwebs dusted fast,swept outside.neighbour came and helped sweeping,sat chatted few Min's, we went to basement to check water damage if any .left lights on as per agents requests.
Came home hungry very sweaty,tired.ate the left over fried chicken, and just lay for some time, sha came home N was upset with her for not taking him along to pick sher. then when they came all 3 took turns fighting with each other and driving me nuts.
we notice foreclosure signs outside our homes at the empty plots,call B and ask him to check on it.. he says, he will be late from work.
we eat dinner call at 6 ,B says late will go old home off lights they forgot to off and come.. 7.30 get worried and call again he does not answer, wait few Min's Tell sha to call, it rings long ask him where he is ,says tire puncture still at work!Really, Glad its just puncture and he is at work area and not stuck on the road some where.
He reaches 8.30,calls to ask where the notice is, kids run to show where we had gone to read it.. its GONE!
10. I finally fall asleep.b was working on comp. wake up.what i am late where is it ringing, why like that.. from deep sleep look around to realise its phone.B wakes up asking who, what, why calling..?i pick up scared and praying,its 1.00 o'clock!says Washington D.c on id.. but don't recognise no.. wonder if its mano(Bil) but not recognising no was hoping it was not junk and i don't lose my temper.esp with b going on who!
I pick up,hello ..hear mano's voice, he is so down, i get scared something happened back home.".everything OK.". i think- i asked, was waking up fast. he said "cheated ..death".. i was wondering what he was talking about.(with B who what.. i could hardly hear him-was getting irritated with B). few more words later realised what and put on speaker.. that kept B quite ..Mano is truly blessed .he knocked on deaths doors and came.. he fell into the water, his friend who was there pulled him up with the trolley, they were loading after a party at the boat , i got it he slipped. waiting for him to wake up. Really Happy God heard some one's prayers and kept Him safe and he could call to tell us he was OK. But I could not sleep till #3 o'clock after that news. still can't think of it.
Guess what both brothers have Dr appt today.
It looks like guardian angels kept all of us safe. Thank you God .God be with everyone.
God bless
As would have it the grass cutter after just a few runs conked on me.. thanks to wet long grass. stopped to take a break -see smoke coming for some reason,(was thinking may be God made it stop,) started checking oil(with prayer-that i do the right thing)the smoke was more there, gas had slight smoke.. looks like oil was very little,went looking for oil.. there were 2-4 bottles.. no idea which..(might have given time for it to cool) saw a neighbour was home,took the bottles to ask him, he told me which, came back, praying poured some was so scared it would boil up, seen it happen is car.
N was with me and close by told him to go far away.Then put gas more and tried cutting again only had to keep stopping every other second to lift the cutter up as all the wet grass was getting stuck,machine kept conking off.. it was very tiresome.took 10-15 breaks, except for the fact that i had to finish it by 2 and there was a house showing at 2.30 i would have called it quits.11-2 was there just doing backyard,went in and washed toilets quickly,saw cobwebs dusted fast,swept outside.neighbour came and helped sweeping,sat chatted few Min's, we went to basement to check water damage if any .left lights on as per agents requests.
Came home hungry very sweaty,tired.ate the left over fried chicken, and just lay for some time, sha came home N was upset with her for not taking him along to pick sher. then when they came all 3 took turns fighting with each other and driving me nuts.
we notice foreclosure signs outside our homes at the empty plots,call B and ask him to check on it.. he says, he will be late from work.
we eat dinner call at 6 ,B says late will go old home off lights they forgot to off and come.. 7.30 get worried and call again he does not answer, wait few Min's Tell sha to call, it rings long ask him where he is ,says tire puncture still at work!Really, Glad its just puncture and he is at work area and not stuck on the road some where.
He reaches 8.30,calls to ask where the notice is, kids run to show where we had gone to read it.. its GONE!
10. I finally fall asleep.b was working on comp. wake up.what i am late where is it ringing, why like that.. from deep sleep look around to realise its phone.B wakes up asking who, what, why calling..?i pick up scared and praying,its 1.00 o'clock!says Washington D.c on id.. but don't recognise no.. wonder if its mano(Bil) but not recognising no was hoping it was not junk and i don't lose my temper.esp with b going on who!
I pick up,hello ..hear mano's voice, he is so down, i get scared something happened back home.".everything OK.". i think- i asked, was waking up fast. he said "cheated ..death".. i was wondering what he was talking about.(with B who what.. i could hardly hear him-was getting irritated with B). few more words later realised what and put on speaker.. that kept B quite ..Mano is truly blessed .he knocked on deaths doors and came.. he fell into the water, his friend who was there pulled him up with the trolley, they were loading after a party at the boat , i got it he slipped. waiting for him to wake up. Really Happy God heard some one's prayers and kept Him safe and he could call to tell us he was OK. But I could not sleep till #3 o'clock after that news. still can't think of it.
Guess what both brothers have Dr appt today.
It looks like guardian angels kept all of us safe. Thank you God .God be with everyone.
God bless
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Any one donuts cider,park
Thursday, August 28, 2008
some more trying
last photos, we managed to rope one more friend along the way.. who landed picking up dinner..see all the happy faces.They all enjoyed. It became late 11 and later when all reached back home. hey, it was worth watching this birthday baby-shocked, when few mins behind me the whole lot came singing happy birthday to you.. come lets go.. before they disappear! we r all set and planned to bounce on the next family!See all our mischievous grins! Kids getting ready to cut next birthday ice cream cake.. after a park trip.. This is us inviting 3 families on the spot after church!The birthday baby (told us only 11 yrs) cutting ice cream cake with other kids..the candles refused to get blown out,we had to remove it and pour water! after our on the spot guests left..! ..relaxing after the church party we attended,helping with food,cleaning! !!
Beautiful,bountiful backyard
"Humming bird ,mum,in our garage" all kids came to a tired mum, cooking a snack after dinner(as it was ground and in the fridge for a few days).I listen to them, they tell me details in their different versions. Told my oldest tell Dad to take photos. "Bird eating from sis hand, mum". "Camera no card ,mum", "dad left, you come".. told her to try and put it herself . she opens there is card. she tries to check if photos came.. no luck.. they give up.. few minutes later, "mum, can we go to neighbours home,dad said ,OK!".. i don't say anything.. just did u change.. they disappear.
I finished downstairs come up to turn the hand washed Indian clothes.. on the deck to dry.. hear screaming cries , 2nd has fallen,I run , through the home and out to see oldest hugging the 2ND and still she is screaming.. told her to come in.. she is still crying not saying anything.. unlike her.. told her to wash hands as she was looking at it.. thought that was scrapped..after a few seconds of washing hands face she tells me my head hurts.. ask her where as she is still crying.. she can handle pain more than the other 2.she shows one side, can't see blood , with wet hand i rub.. tell her to put ice and take her back out to the deck and make her comfy with ice.. she calms asks for ice water. She drinks and tries putting ice. I got the other 2 inside and they start helping her in putting ice and joke to her.By then bumpblack blue there, when Daddy comes there is more tears.
last 2 days no cooking just cleaning the girls shelves, washing their ethnic clothes by hand.Backbreaking jobs.. since they are around send them down to put the clothes out to dry.. then i come and put it properly .
Got some more to do , but today got to take Sst for Math,old home , see situation there.This week ends summer vacation. school reopens.
So by the time i go to see the bird, has flown the coop. they all realised i went to garage come running behind me.. oh its flown they check every nook, told them to close the garage after that.
This place is full of wild animals, birds one of natures best. Have seen humming birds, hawks, eagles,woodpeckers,crane with colorful wings/legs, ducks,ducklings, geese,wild dogs,rabbits deer,frogs different colors, turtles-of course moles, raccoons, possums,squirrels (black and other type).. of one should not forget snake.. which i had to go out one morning to show the water dept problems, went without foot wear, while they continued to hunt for problem,i went towards the pavement heard slithering sound, looked down to see the snake looking at me just a foot away,just garden one but enough to creep me out.I stamped my foot hard on the cement pavement, it went lightening speed.Thank God.
I went off to the patio ASAP. Leaving the men with their work, they gave up and came few seconds later.
Deer,one rainny day was talking to someone on the phone when i looked out to see the deer crossing the bridge.. called the kids to see .by the time they came running it went . person on the phone wanted to see where we were staying to see all this.
My family went walking early morn saw deer ,wonder if they got frightened or my family.
Turtles, it was another rainy day, had been raining for few days on and off when we looked out towards the water retention pond we see something like stone and moving.. off course we had chance to see the turtle few days in a row, take some shots,kids went close to it too.
Their are kids from neighbourhood always throwing stones etc. My kids see they are after me to scold them. So have to open window ask what they are doing. they are throwing stones at frogs, snakes they tell me.. tell them leave them alone.They are don't care kind.
Some kids my kid identifies as a nogood one at school.. say see thats what they are doing.
Thats life in our neck of woods.. People admire our backyard which is straight woods.makes them feel like living on hilly sides, or estates.. Enjoy your nature.
I finished downstairs come up to turn the hand washed Indian clothes.. on the deck to dry.. hear screaming cries , 2nd has fallen,I run , through the home and out to see oldest hugging the 2ND and still she is screaming.. told her to come in.. she is still crying not saying anything.. unlike her.. told her to wash hands as she was looking at it.. thought that was scrapped..after a few seconds of washing hands face she tells me my head hurts.. ask her where as she is still crying.. she can handle pain more than the other 2.she shows one side, can't see blood , with wet hand i rub.. tell her to put ice and take her back out to the deck and make her comfy with ice.. she calms asks for ice water. She drinks and tries putting ice. I got the other 2 inside and they start helping her in putting ice and joke to her.By then bumpblack blue there, when Daddy comes there is more tears.
last 2 days no cooking just cleaning the girls shelves, washing their ethnic clothes by hand.Backbreaking jobs.. since they are around send them down to put the clothes out to dry.. then i come and put it properly .
Got some more to do , but today got to take Sst for Math,old home , see situation there.This week ends summer vacation. school reopens.
So by the time i go to see the bird, has flown the coop. they all realised i went to garage come running behind me.. oh its flown they check every nook, told them to close the garage after that.
This place is full of wild animals, birds one of natures best. Have seen humming birds, hawks, eagles,woodpeckers,crane with colorful wings/legs, ducks,ducklings, geese,wild dogs,rabbits deer,frogs different colors, turtles-of course moles, raccoons, possums,squirrels (black and other type).. of one should not forget snake.. which i had to go out one morning to show the water dept problems, went without foot wear, while they continued to hunt for problem,i went towards the pavement heard slithering sound, looked down to see the snake looking at me just a foot away,just garden one but enough to creep me out.I stamped my foot hard on the cement pavement, it went lightening speed.Thank God.
I went off to the patio ASAP. Leaving the men with their work, they gave up and came few seconds later.
Deer,one rainny day was talking to someone on the phone when i looked out to see the deer crossing the bridge.. called the kids to see .by the time they came running it went . person on the phone wanted to see where we were staying to see all this.
My family went walking early morn saw deer ,wonder if they got frightened or my family.
Turtles, it was another rainy day, had been raining for few days on and off when we looked out towards the water retention pond we see something like stone and moving.. off course we had chance to see the turtle few days in a row, take some shots,kids went close to it too.
Their are kids from neighbourhood always throwing stones etc. My kids see they are after me to scold them. So have to open window ask what they are doing. they are throwing stones at frogs, snakes they tell me.. tell them leave them alone.They are don't care kind.
Some kids my kid identifies as a nogood one at school.. say see thats what they are doing.
Thats life in our neck of woods.. People admire our backyard which is straight woods.makes them feel like living on hilly sides, or estates.. Enjoy your nature.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Down memory lane- Mangrove
"Mangrove" was always part of our postal address ,when i got married things started changing.From then a lot of changes started.. what ever empty land which was in our family was all sold. All the wonderful tasty mango trees were cut down, all those who used to get free mangoes from my family may miss it. My mum is trying to grow some in what land is left around home;she has a hard time keeping the young who have no sense of right/wrong throwing stones climbing walls and doing things one never could think off.
How sad.Every time i cut mangoes which are sweet and juicy my 20 odd yrs at home and our eating mangoes for breakfast, lunch , snacks, dinner,serving them to guests, cutting them and putting small forks,in bowls, giving every Tom ,Dick, Harry -my grand parents used to go with dozens to peoples homes and gave.People who worked for us got.My cousins,brother we used to even have competition as to who ate the most. Ate them with peels, without cutting , all the ways one could think off.We even had receipe for mangoes nuts(seeds).Grew some with seeds.
Eating mangoes from when they are small, raw ,to big ;climbing trees to get the biggest, going with sacks, baskets to collect mangoes which had fallen during storms.
when the branches get heavy with fruits some break collecting them. sorting mangoes according to variety,size, if smashed/cracked after fall ;making pickles, chutneys,all these used to be our summer months at home.Never ending work.
Clearing rooms, under staircase and other places putting hay down in a very level way keeping mangoes slowly with space between, laying hay on top, checking every day or other to see if they are ripe , taking those out , after few days everything will decide to get ripe at once, then comes, juice making,mango dry sweet making(that means keeping nets run behind the areas where sun is,keeping it in- bringing it out.. oh..worth it)
putting them in fridge, cupboards, packets with who to give lists...
With age caught up problems like touch hay, allergy, no more raw mangoes,teeth will start its pains, now ripe mangoes cause my tongue to itch, even if i eat more than 2-3 pieces. juice is fine !
lunch used to be bread with jams.
Wonder how many have such memories of receiving. Other than our family.we had a person who came put medicines before and come to collect small ones falling , come to pluck them, they used to harvest it and take it in trucks for sale after giving certain nos to us.
we have done our share of plucking too.
Gone mango trees, land, grand parents,even the man who took for hire all those trees for years.My memory thoughts and prayers with all of them.
Spoke with my cousin yesterday (monday- labor day'), back from home.. was telling how they went and climbed and plucked mangoes like how we did as kids and she had fun!
How sad.Every time i cut mangoes which are sweet and juicy my 20 odd yrs at home and our eating mangoes for breakfast, lunch , snacks, dinner,serving them to guests, cutting them and putting small forks,in bowls, giving every Tom ,Dick, Harry -my grand parents used to go with dozens to peoples homes and gave.People who worked for us got.My cousins,brother we used to even have competition as to who ate the most. Ate them with peels, without cutting , all the ways one could think off.We even had receipe for mangoes nuts(seeds).Grew some with seeds.
Eating mangoes from when they are small, raw ,to big ;climbing trees to get the biggest, going with sacks, baskets to collect mangoes which had fallen during storms.
when the branches get heavy with fruits some break collecting them. sorting mangoes according to variety,size, if smashed/cracked after fall ;making pickles, chutneys,all these used to be our summer months at home.Never ending work.
Clearing rooms, under staircase and other places putting hay down in a very level way keeping mangoes slowly with space between, laying hay on top, checking every day or other to see if they are ripe , taking those out , after few days everything will decide to get ripe at once, then comes, juice making,mango dry sweet making(that means keeping nets run behind the areas where sun is,keeping it in- bringing it out.. oh..worth it)
putting them in fridge, cupboards, packets with who to give lists...
With age caught up problems like touch hay, allergy, no more raw mangoes,teeth will start its pains, now ripe mangoes cause my tongue to itch, even if i eat more than 2-3 pieces. juice is fine !
lunch used to be bread with jams.
Wonder how many have such memories of receiving. Other than our family.we had a person who came put medicines before and come to collect small ones falling , come to pluck them, they used to harvest it and take it in trucks for sale after giving certain nos to us.
we have done our share of plucking too.
Gone mango trees, land, grand parents,even the man who took for hire all those trees for years.My memory thoughts and prayers with all of them.
Spoke with my cousin yesterday (monday- labor day'), back from home.. was telling how they went and climbed and plucked mangoes like how we did as kids and she had fun!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
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